Blocking Press (aka stamping press) 


Made by Mackay of Bristol, press # 796, size #3, stands 33” high, 24” wide, 171/2” deep.  Probably around 100 years old. Used for gold blocking book covers, or whole books, title pieces etc, on  leather, cloth, paper, card. Can be adjusted to accommodate very large books.

Originally heated by gas, I used a finishing stove to heat the chase which worked very well. Two chases, small and large, can take type or metal plates.

Included: a quantity of brass bookbinders type in various fonts and sizes, leading, metal chase furniture, 2 quoins, a quoin key, some honeycomb blocks for mounting plates, and some die bond for attaching plates to blocks. Also some rolls of foil and leather bookmark blanks.

This press can also be used to gold block business cards, bookmarks etc. 

CA $500.00 If required, I will show the purchaser how to operate this press.

   © Janet Kellett 1996-2015   jan dot kellett at shaw dot ca